Fu’s Final Celebration

Hey everyone!

Well….? How did you enjoy seeing the photos you brought and talking with me face to face about China? Did I look or act different in person than you imagined?

It was totally awesome to see everyone. Matching names with faces and seeing the personalities from everyone, was really special to me. And the gift you guys gave me was really special: I mentioned in class that my friend Dia that I met while I was living in the mountain in Guangzhou was from Egypt, and him and I spent a lot of time together, even traveled to Hong Kong together. He game me a bookmark of the Egyptian hieroglyphic alphabet, and I was easily able to spell out my name. It was just really coincidental and it felt like fate that I was gifted an Egyptian hieroglyphic alphabet from one of the closest friends I made in China, only to them be given a name in Egyptian by those who I shared a connection with overseas. Thanks guys 🙂

Soon, I will be repaying the gift by giving each of you a Chinese name, which I hope to have done by the next time I see you all.

Most of the time we spent together was spent exactly as I had hoped: asking and answering questions from all of you! creating a dialogue and a social space in which everyone was involved was the best gift I could have received, and I am excited to have another “final celebration”.

I am glad I got to show you at least a few of the photos from Shanghai, and will hope for time enough next time to get to the rest of the photos.

what would you like to see or talk about for the next meeting?

thanks again, and talk soon


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